Energy Services


Reiki is a healing technique used for stress reduction, relaxation and healing promotion. 

Reiki is performed by placing the hands on or above different areas of the body. It helps raise the vibration of the body. When the body's vibration is low it's more prone for illness. 

Reiki promotes healing by getting rid of the blockages in the body and focuses on the root of the problem as a whole mind, body and spirit. Reiki is different from massage because it uses touch only and does not manipulate muscles in the body. 

Reiki is beneficial in many ways. Reiki has been shown to help with symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain and depression. Research has shown that reiki  promotes relaxation and stress relief and is an effective way to promote healing on many levels. 

Our reiki sessions are held in a peaceful environment. Before the session gets started a brief consultation will take place giving the time needed for questions. The client remains fully clothed laying on the massage table. Chakra testing will also be done before and after the session. During a reiki session the practitioner places their hands on or above different areas of the body such as head, limbs, and torso for about 3-5 minutes. Intuition sometimes calls for more time on a certain area. At the end of the session there will be time to ask questions and you will be sent home with suggestions for optimal energetic healing. 

Power Animal Retrieval

In shamanism, every person has a power animal (PA) or a couple power animals. PAs are helping spirits who were in animal form while here on Earth. Your power animal has offered to work with you in this lifetime.

Power Animal Retrieval is a beautiful shamanic ceremony in which the helping spirit is located by the practitioner and bring your power animal to you and help make the connection. It can lead to healing, a deeper spiritual relationship, and a restoration of personal power.

It's one of the most common ceremonies during a shamanic healing.


Candle Healing

Candles have been in use since time. It has been the carrier of light and positive energy on a physical as well as spiritual level. The candle healing energies work on maintaining our mind, body & soul, and creating a positive space for spirit.

Fire from the very beginning has been associated with transmutation, mystery, therapy and aligning energy.  

The candle is seen as the unlit essence of life and the physical embodiment. You need fire to renew the health and balance of the body and the soul. The lighting of the candle is seen as renewing energies and aligning you to your creative world.


Feather Clearing/Sweeping

Curious why feathers are great for energy work?

Well the reason for using feathers in energy work is due to the fact that birds are revered by native people because of their connection to spirit & higher source through their free traveling of the skies.

The feathers move the energies from the Aura Body through the sweeping motion, much like that of a bird in flight. This representation is so profound & very inspiring as one learns to connect with all of Mother Earth through Sacred Ritual of the ancient ways.

The Etheric layer or Aura layer of a person holds the energetic vibrations of everything that one has come in contact with. That includes other people’s vibrations, those found in nature & those encountered when one is in the Astral realms during meditation or Astral traveling.

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